Markerstudy conquers BIBA!
Thursday June 5, 2014

We came...we saw...we conquered at BIBA 2014! Our 20ft high ‘Rise of the Empire’ creation amazed the crowds and wowed judges, meaning our gladiators and emperor marched off with the coveted 2014 ‘Best Large Stand’ trophy! View our BIBA film below to see all the fun!
Our ‘temple’ featured columns embellished with gold and topped with prancing white horses, authentic 'friezes' depicting Markerstudy directors, and a ‘selfie column’ encouraging visitors to upload their photos to Twitter. The stand brought a bygone era and technology together, as business development managers dressed as Romans ‘held forum’ with guests, guiding them through the company’s new website on touchscreens, while gifts of branded toy shields, helmets and swords were given out.