Auto Windscreens vans and staff volunteers help vulnerable people in Kent
Wednesday April 8, 2020

More positive news! Our Auto Windscreens team has joined forces with staff from our group facilities & maintenance division - Integra, to support Tunbridge Wells Borough Council in delivering essential food and medical supplies to around 1,000 vulnerable residents in the area.
Auto Windscreens has lent ten vans from its fleet to the cause, which will be driven by Integra volunteers and from Monday 6th April, the vans will pick up parcels from a central area in Tunbridge Wells and deliver to doorsteps around the borough.
Integra has communicated strict protocols to their drivers for handwashing and sanitising, and they’re applying social distancing measures to ensure employee and public safety. The council has launched a hub for vulnerable residents and due to demand, are expecting all ten vans to be in use by the end of the week.
Sheree Dawton, Head of Group Property said: “We are delighted to be assisting with efforts in the borough to ensure the most vulnerable of our residents are not left without essential items which many of us take for granted on a daily basis. The team are a credit to Integra, Auto Windscreens and the wider Markerstudy Group family”.
James MacBeth, Managing Director at Auto Windscreens, added: “It’s so important to us that we’re able to do something to help people during this difficult period. I’m very proud that our vans are involved in this initiative and hope the sight of them drawing up outside people’s homes will be a source of comfort to those in need.”
Councillor Carol Mackonochie, Portfolio Holder for Communities and Wellbeing at Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, commented: “Volunteers and support from other organisations are at the core of our efforts to ensure that no-one is left isolated during this time. We are very grateful to Auto Windscreens and Markerstudy Group for having offered their vans and drivers to us to use for deliveries to vulnerable people.”