Gary's preamble
Wednesday April 17, 2019

The clocks have sprung forward, we’ve avoided falling foul of April Fools' Day pranks (although looking at my caricature, you’d be forgiven for thinking I’ve been had!) and Easter holidays are beckoning!
This is a great time of year for our industry; the season where classic car enthusiasts remove dust sheets, put the hood down, and take to the roads once more. Fair-weather motorcyclists buff their chrome and rev up their engines, and our arterial routes congest with caravans, campervans and horse boxes – which means we collectively enjoy the spoils of policies being renewed. Sadly, it may also involve green cards once more.
With May hovering (that's the month not our PM!) the BIBA Conference is soon to be upon us. If you fancy taking a break from the hub-bub on Wednesday afternoon (15th May), the esteemed Markerstudy crew will be taking up residence at The Refinery.
You’re very welcome to come and say hello – but let us know in advance by emailing broker management at
And what better way to sign off this issue than to share more of our ‘Fringe’ caricatures…As you can see, we’re still ‘putting the fun in insurance’!